Sunday, May 1, 2011

I've been published!

Well, sort of.

I have a friend who owns a website called The Gamers Blog.  And at his encouragement, I have written an article about World of Warcraft that he has published!  So, while I don't get paid for it, I am getting noticed as a female gamer!

To read my article (if you care at all) click HERE.  So, feel free to read mine, read others, register, share, etc.  Support my friend Brad!

1 comment:

Gamecultist said...

I think it's great that female gamers are getting noticed more. People still seem to think that it's an all-male hobby and that girls are crap at gaming (I've been beaten by girls plenty!)

Great getting your article posted! I'll be sure to keep an eye on your blog, and perhaps post a link on mine!