Saturday, January 14, 2012


The picture above is a male Sith Inquisitor, who I'm assuming is the sorcerer rather than the assassin due to the lightening coming from his hands rather than two light sabers.  The sorcerer uses the force as lightening and other such ranged spell skills to kill their enemies, making them rather like a mage, shadow priest, moonkin, or a warlock from World of Warcraft.  From what I've both read, and experienced, the Sith Sorcerer plays like either a shadow priest (if you use the lightening tree) or an affliction warlock (if you use the madness tree).  The Sith Sorcerer also heals, if you wish to do so, by using the corruption tree.  The healing, from what I've gathered just from reading the skills, is somewhat like a discipline priest, using shields and what not to protect rather than straight up heal.  But I haven't played the healing tree, so I really don't know.

Anyway, I'm not writing this as a Sith Inquisitor guide.  I'm merely setting up what class I am for this amazingly awesome game.

Seriously.  If you're at all into MMO's, PLAY THIS GAME.   So much better than WoW, in my opinion.

The quest givers are set up in such a way that you listen to what they have to say rather than read a long block of boring text.  You have the option to skip what they're saying, if you so desire, but you miss vital information if you do so.  However, when I get around to making another character to level, I'll be skipping the quest speeches that I've heard before.

The graphics are amazing.  The class story arcs are creative and exciting, the ones I've played anyway.  I've only seen the Sith Inquisitor and the Bounty Hunter at this point, and not the entire story either.  Bounty Hunter is only a level 12 and my Inquisitor is 25.  Max level is 50.

So, if any one caves and starts playing, I'm on two different servers.  The Sith Inquisitor, Isscha, is on The Prophecy of Five server and the Bounty Hunter...Isscha (again) is on some server I can't spell without looking, and I don't feel like logging in to check.  So, join the Prophecy of Five server.  =)  I also started a Bounty Hunter with the name Bobba'Ferret.  I amuse myself.

1 comment:

Pondering Panda said...

I've thought about playing but... there's on major detriment - I don't do monthly fees for my entertainment.