Sunday, April 24, 2011


The story behind Easter is not just Christian.  In fact, Easter is a combination of both Jewish lore and pre-Christian and pagan practices. It is named after Eostre, the goddess of fertility and birth, worshiped by first-century pagans at the vernal equinox, who believed she would bless both their families and their crops.  But I digress. Here's my Easter poem!

Christ was walking down the street
staring at all the treats to eat
Bunnies and colored eggs galore
"Doesn't Easter mean much more?"

To different people this holiday
means to them more than this display
To Catholics it has always meant
a joyous ending to the week of lent

The colored eggs, now there's a treat
dipping in colors before placing on a seat
Why this started no on quite knows
Ancient cultures dyed for Festivals of Spring

The Romans believed the egg held the seed of life
And Christians believe eggs to be the seed of life
In both the ancient pagan and Christian lore
the egg is a symbol of life, both new and restored.

Easter is simply the celebration of life
and how you celebrate causes me no strife
Whether for Jesus Christ or Eostre the goddess of birth
simply celebrate all life on this green earth.

1 comment:

LadyDraconix said...

I love how the poem celebrates the different reasons for Easter, without claiming that any of them are incorrect - but at the same time pointing out that the celebration is wicked confusing! Well done!