Saturday, April 2, 2011


Hello, how are you today?
Do I answer with the truth
or do I equivocate and give
what you and everyone expects?

I'm fine.
Far from the truth indeed
But you never really wanted
The truth from what is me

How is your family?
My mom and dad are fighting
My brother is never around
And I suspect my sister is pregnant--again

They're doing great!
Because no one wants to know
a family's dirty laundry
and who honestly, truly cares

How is your job?
My boss is a pompous ass
My coworkers are less than smart
I work too hard for the shit I earn

I love my job.
Taught that lying is wrong
Yet expected to lie every day
Contradictions, falsehoods, lies.

Daily small talk


Serenity said...

Oooo... I like this one. That totally explains how I feel about small talk.

Becca said...

that's a big word.
small talk stucks. I'm always challanged on how to answer when people ask how I'm feeling. It's like, do you want today's health update, the week's, the month's? And how much detail? thank God for blogs, huh?