Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Domo and Depression

Hard to imagine one could be depressed with THIS picture staring them in the face. 

This feels like it's becoming a series.  "_____ and Depression" though I'm pretty sure I only have one other blog post with the word depression in it.  Oh well.

Awesome, fuzzy hat.  <3
I cannot, for the life of me, fall asleep.  I bring you this instead.

My boyfriend got me the cutest hat for Christmas.  And I think it is the most adorable hat ever.  I love it.  It's a wee bit tight, but I figure that if I wear it enough, it'll stretch.  We'll see.

I tell you this, not to inform you that I indeed got awesome Christmas gifts, but that I am missing Chase immensely tonight.  Like, more so than usual.  Usually, I can mash down the lonely feelings and pretend that everything is okay.  Well tonight, I can't.  I want to cry.  

I was laying on my freshly vacuumed floor staring at my ceiling fan, ignoring the purring ball of fur that is my cat meandering around my body.  I needed something to do.  My room has been completely cleaned already (save my closet, but I'm saving that for a day that is not tonight) and I simply am not tired.  Lonely, yes.  Sleepy, no.  It's times like these where I find myself wishing even more so than I already do that my boyfriend lived closer to me than freaking Minnesota.  I'd be perfectly okay with Omaha.  Seriously.  Anyway, I look around my room from my place on the floor and I see, staring at me with his big, black eyes, my hat.  

I put it on.

And smiled for the first time today.

So thank-you, Chase.  We may be 500 miles apart, but that just gives us the opportunity to sing The Proclaimers and tell cheesy jokes on Skype.  

I think I'll sleep with Domo, tonight...

Oh, and for you Mishi.  I found another image for your Hello Kitty post.

1 comment:

Pondering Panda said...

Domo arigato, Mr. Robot--oh. ...Wrong Domo.