Saturday, January 7, 2012

Sorting Hat

So I took two different Sorting Hat quizzes today.  Sadly, neither were the Pottermore quiz since that site isn't open to those outside of beta yet.  =(
So, the two sites I went to were and

The first put me equally into Gryffindor and Slytherin.  Yes.  Because the two houses that hate each other the most are the most I'm like.  Right.

The second I took twice, the first time telling the hat I preferred Slytherin, the second telling the hat I had no preference.  I got Slytherin both times.

So, I suppose I'll have to wait until Pottermore is up to see if those quizzes are accurate according to what J.K. Rowling has to say in her own quiz.  All I can say is I'd better not be in Hufflepuff.  /Shudder

1 comment:

LadyDraconix said...

Those quizzes are pretty shady . . .lol.

I've gotten put in every house but Hufflepuff - though Ravenclaw and Slytherin were the ones I was put in most often.

But apparently I'm a Ravenclaw - officially. Which I guess I can live with. I can see you being a Gryffindor though - you've got some stellar courage and you're incredibly loyal :)